How A Web Business Works - The Newcomer's Guide On How To Start An Online Business

How does a Web Business work?

This is a subject most first timers touch when they try building an online business. And there a lot of ways you can do this as well. But for the sake of the audience reading this article, I will try and explain one of the many ways it is done, and that's the way I am doing it right now.

Let me explain broadly how I do it.

First, the key to affiliate marketing is having a product to promote, and building a list to which to promote. And there are many products out there and many websites which ask you to promote them to potential customers. But it is advisable,and this is something that I do, that you choose a product that you know something about, which you think could help those potential customers resolve their problem. You don't have to, but it is easier to promote a product which you have used.

Ok. So you search the Internet long and wide, and after a while you finally found that product you were looking for. Now what?

Well now, the first thing to do is create a Squeeze Page. What is a Squeeze Page you say? Well, the Squeeze Page is a One Page website in which you only try and convince the visitors to sign up to your list. You will not sell them anything on this page. You will not try to convince them of anything else than to sign up to your list. And that is because you want their addresses so you can promote your product at a later time. And how will you do that?How will you make them give you their email addresses?...By giving them something of value for FREE. Yes, for FREE.

So now they have signed up to your list. They entered their name and email address and pushed the "Sign Up" button. What happens now?

Well, after this, two things will happen:

1. They will be taken to a "Thank You" page in which, well, you thank them for them signing up. you can try and sell them a product in the thank you page but this is not how I do it, as I think as this is coming a little too strong.

2. They will be added to your list.

This list is managed by an online service called an Autoresponder.

But a responder is needed, and even though it is an expense, it is a small one.

Why it is needed? Because as they are reading the "Thank You" page, the autoresponder sends them an email to their inbox. In this email there will be a link, which will send them to your "Download Page", in which you give them a link to the FREE gift you promised them if they sign up to your list.

Ok. So now you have their name and email address. What to do now? Well, the next thing to do is nurture the relationship you have established with your subscribers by sending them occasional emails, other free gifts, other tips to help them with the problem they came to your site. And it is easy, even if you don't know anything about the related problem. There are many free sources on the web from which to inspire your answers.

You Can't Just Start A Business On The Internet With No Experience, Or Can You?

Starting an online business is absolutely do-able for anyone who is willing to put in the effort and learn the ropes. Just like any other business, it takes time and hard work.You have to educate yourself and be teachable. Honestly, that's all it takes.

I started online with absolutely no idea what I was doing. I started an eBay store, then I moved on to my own online shop. I had no education internet marketing or in building an online business. I was flying by the seat of my pants trying to be everything to everyone and I couldn't.

The one thing I had going for me was determination. I was bound and determined to carve out a niche for myself on the internet. More than anything I wanted to work from home on my computer and the time freedom that would give me.

Luckily, I realized I needed help. I started looking around for others who had success online and could teach me the ropes. That's when all the pieces to the puzzle started to fit.

You need to be selective and look for teachers your resonate with before you start spending money for training. And you will have to spend a little money learning how this all works. Don't buy everything you see and don't buy the highest priced coaching and courses you can find. Start small. Buy a lesser priced course and see if it is of value. Did you learn how to do something new? Was it easy to follow? Did you resonate with the teacher?

I have to admit that I surprised myself when I started my online education. I never actually expected to enjoy the learning process as much as I did. Heck, I didn't really expect to enjoy it at all. But I have loved every minute of it! Learning to build an online business is a fascinating journey. I've learned to conquer those simple technology tigers that used to bite me in the butt. I can install and build a WordPress blog, shoot video, create products, do article marketing, build a list, host teleseminars and webinars and everything in between!

This brings me back to my original question. You can't just start a business on the Internet with no experience, or can you? The answer? OH YES YOU CAN! All it takes is determination and to be willing to learn what you don't know.

SEO for Beginners: What Are Keywords?

Although there are among many ranking factors search engines consider, I view keywords as starting to put the indexing system together for a website. A library uses the Dewey Decimal System to code books according to categories and search engines use keywords.

I doubt there are many people who have never used a search engine, even my Grandma who is in her 70′s is well acquainted with how to use a search engine. I'm sure you have sat in front of your computer set on buying a new pair of shoes, booking a holiday or to look up reviews of the latest must have item. You would have pondered which words would best summarise whatever it is you most desire. This is what a keyword is. Not that exciting... but so many people look puzzled if you mention "keyword" or "keyphrase"

The speed and relevance of information a search engine can present you with means they have and still are becoming increasingly popular. Most people find it easier than using a business directory. For those who live in perpetual chaos like myself, the business directory is most likely to have been chewed by the puppy, buried in the bottom of the cupboard with most the pages stuck together (or is that just me?)

A website allows you to make a bigger first impression to potential clients. You need to carefully research and decide which keywords reflect your business and then set about the task of integrating them into the copy throughout your site.


Don't be fooled into thinking keywords alone will get you to the golden spot on the first page. They are however one the most fundamental elements you must get right to make your SEO a success.

Tips on How to Have a Successful Online Business

Venturing your own business online is one of the most current trends of entrepreneurship. More and more business people tread their way on online business because it is speedy, it doesn't require a huge capital on your part and you are in charge of your own time.

There are always ups and downs of a business. The growth of your business is very unpredictable, but you can always find ways to keep it up. Here are some ways to have a successful business online.

A good system makes a good business; otherwise, your business is doomed. As an entrepreneur, you must know what your goals and objectives are. This is where you focus your business on. You must know your long term and short term goals before you start planning your business. Planning can become a grueling process but usually, it pays off. When you have finally figured out what your business would be, then it's high time to plan and do the implementation.

To do stuffs online you must at least know the technicalities. So, many businesses online have faced their dead end because of lack of resources in terms of technicalities. Learn about the internet; know how to catch a crowd with your website. Advertise your business. Without a crowd, it's hard to get your way through it. You must at least have an idea on what catches your consumers. If you have a hard time coming to terms with the technology that internet has to offer, you can always take it one step at a time. Do not directly dive into the water unless you are completely knowledgeable on how deep the water goes otherwise you might sink. There's a lot of room for learning, and with an open mind, it's as easy as 1-2-3.

Business isn't a one way expedition, it has detours and fallbacks but if you don't take risk, then it would never move an inch. Risk is what a business treads on. You take risks in any investment that you make. With every risk, there's always a big chance that you may fail in your business. So, to become a successful online entrepreneur, accept failures and learn from them.

Probably the best advice there is, is to be passionate on what you do. White monetary gain is one of our objectives which always focus on what you can offer to your consumers. Passion is the fuel of every entrepreneur; it ignites the drive of the person to take risks despite every possible chance of losing their business.

Money is the driving force in this world that is why it is very important to get the safest and most reliable payment processing software for your online business. No matter how successful is your online business but without a good business payment processing all is nothing.

What Do I Need To Know To Start My Internet Business?

It's important not to go into trying to start an internet business in a fog of expectations. By this, I mean believing a lot of what is purveyed as true on the internet, but seeing the reality of what it means to start your business.

1. Probably the number one belief by beginners in internet business is that you can start with no money and it will be easy to make some. In fact, you can start with no money and begin making money but it makes things much harder, and you need to know what you're doing. I've written articles and blog posts on this. As basics, it's important to have your own hosting account, domain name and autoresponder account. These cost money. To start from absolute financial scratch means you're endangering the work you do because you're dependent on others' free services.

2. Another basic problem can be in the choice of what niche you'll go into in order to sell products. Often, people don't even think about this at first. They just think about the money. However, if you don't have enough knowledge about your niche you won't understand what you're doing, and you'll run out of ideas for content and for help to your subscribers and customers.

3. There can be the presumption that there's a big red button somewhere, some special software that some people know about, which when pressed simply produces and organises your business. This belief, even if only vaguely, can persist for a long time. This is especially true about the generation of traffic. Unfortunately for this belief, as with others which aren't true, it all comes down to work, organisation and knowing what you're doing.

Getting Started On Money Making Tutorial For Begginners

Have you ever stumbled upon one of those making money online sites which are online stores that lure you to buy their e-book packages with some pictures of their earnings, testimonials using their product and super long convincing writing while searching for the secrets of making money online? I am not saying those e-books about the web and users behavior are bad at all, but who would ever buy one of them before getting a taste of how it is to start making money online?

The secret about making money online is that there are no secrets. It depends completely on the amount of time and effort the persons puts into building their websites and the quality that results from it. If your website is good (By good I mean good information quality, useful, attention drawing, etc, which ill teach you how to accomplish) then the traffic will almost start coming by itself.

 1.How to get started? Get a Website
First thing first. Get a website. And since you are not going to invest anything then I recommend getting a blog or a site on google (for friendly purposes) right away. No idea on how to do so? Check my article for a step by step tutorial on how to start a blog on google's blogger.

2.Start Building Traffic 
There are several techniques you can use to build a constantly high targeted traffic, without paying a dime. Once you get the grip out of this step of the online business you will be ready to start making a living out of the internet ! All you have to do is some research and find the one that fits you the most to you. Read my article on how to get web traffic by article marketing to learn how I do it.

3.Monetize Your Website
Already getting an steady daily traffic to your website? Now is the time to start monetizing your webpage by with some adds and affiliate products. Know how? If you don't then check out this article on how to monetize your traffic and start generating income.

Ready to start your own website?
After learning the basics, there is tons of ways to start building business online that will run on their own. Get your own website (Highly recommended if you can afford it, or you could just use blogger), start blogging and article marketing with good SEO, and you will be soon getting the kind and amount of traffic that you want. Also you could check out these links on some sites to analyse how they are built or what they offer to customers  Either you are a work from home mom to be, a student; anyone can start building several successful online business in hours!