First thing to do? Get a Website.

If you ever wish to start making money online, most of the time, the best way to go (unless you are looking to sell stuff on e-bay or amazon) is getting your own site. Now, for most of us, we will not invest on a domain name and hosting without the knowledge of how this works right? So lets talk about creating an attractive free blog for a beginner (a blog is like an online newspaper where you will post information every day, week, month about a topic you chose).

So... How does it work?
It is really simple indeed. Let's open up a blog on ANY niche (topic) you wish. I will example a golfing site since it is my favorite sport and I should know about it, will be passionate about it and I will do my research correctly. How to do it? just visit and follow the steps to register and you will have a blog within 5 or 10 minutes. You should come up with an attractive name for it, so when you choose the title and domain name, ask yourself: Would I click on this if I saw it somewhere on the web?

When you are satisfied with your title, you will be now be ready to start blogging! Now, that's just the beginning but having your blog and a nice title is almost 50% of the work, since you already took a step on this winning revenue online adventure that most people do not.

Ok now, you might be wondering: Which template should I choose? How to blog? What should be my first topic?..
The secret here is that you can blog and say almost anything you wish, just as long as it is original (coming from your unique mind, and not paraphrasing someone else's work), well written (good grammar and making sense in your posts) and organized. Also, you want to pick an easy to the eye template if you want your readers to enjoy their visit, instead of leaving with hurt eyes and a headache.

Particularly, I like to give this advice to everyone (It has helped me gain success in ALL of my websites):
Do not let your visitors get lost in your page.

Whether you own a blog, a website, an online store, or ANY kind of online business, you should help your visitors find what they are looking for. This is for everything you do: always choosing good article titles, an easy to read font, no super long 99 pages posts, and if possible use pictures or/and videos.

So let's say I created my golfing site, and started posting some tips on how to improve your swing, or how to use wind to improve your accuracy. Now, someone visits my blog and reads the first article they get on their screen. What will they do next if they only see a long list of articles scrolling down?: Leave.

Now, if I place a link to a "home page" in my blog (easily done on blogger on the posts tab, where you will see "Edit Pages") on the side bar or on the posts, they will follow it to find an article on how to get started on golfing, the rules of the game, or any information you consider a must know before continuing reading.

This will create a starting point for users to know where to begin reading: What's the first thing they should know, the most important advices your site can provide to them, what they should know about your topic, or a how to get started guide. At the same time you will also be creating a bond with your readers which will make them stay, and some of them will sign up for your newsletter and get a notification every time you publish a new post.

See the trick? Here is a little summary:

1. Create your website: Chose a good title and a nice template.

2. Post only original information: Everything you write should come from your experience, which will make your site original and creative.

3. Make your visitors stay: Let them know where to begin reading, and what should they know first,

4. Engage your readers to your blog by updating it frequently: You will start getting many subscribers if they know you are engaged to your blog and post info frequently.

Are you ready to start your online business?

Go to and get started, or check out this article on a package which includes web hosting, domain name, traffic sources, e-books on internet users behavior, webmaster advices, most paying niches info, and many other things specialized on giving a STEP TO STEP guide on how to start business online for anyone.